Hatha Yoga Tradicional de la India para todos

- Thursday, April 27 at 10:00
- Puerto de la Cruz - Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain)
- 10€
- 12 spots left
Contact the teacher
- +34603618736
- https://www.instagram.com/arnaud_hos_myveda/?hl=es
- https://www.facebook.com/ayurvedamyveda/
- www.ayurvedamyveda.com
About this class
The classes are focused on Hatha Yoga which is the traditional yoga of India with philosophy postures Pranayamas or breathing exercises mudras etc... \n\nI also work with Nada yoga is the yoga of sound with the chanting of mantras and work with music. The union of both will allow us to more easily reach that state of well-being that deep Meditation provides.\n\nCome discover the wisdom of yoga and meditation with its mantras sounds pranayamas asanas Shatkarma philosophy etc. with Arnaud Hos (Ayurveda Naturopath and Yoga teacher trained in Madrid Belgium and India (200h Yoga Alliance). Classes in Spanish French and English\n\nLas clases están enfocadas al Hatha Yoga y Nada Yoga con sonidos es yoga tradicional de la India con filosofía posturas Pranayamas o ejercicios de respiración mudras etc... \n\nMi trabajo es un trabajo Integral con unión de cuerpo y mente. \n\nVen a conocerme. Yoga Alliance RYT 200h\nImparto clases en español francés y ingles. \n\nNamaste
How to get there?
Meet your teacher
I m Yoga Teacher and Ayurvedic Terapist since 10 years with formation in India Belgium France and Spain\n\ni Invite you to know me in my social network\n\nHola Soy Terapeuta en Ayurveda y Profesor de Yoga con 10 años de experiencias en Europa. Os invito a conocerme en mis redes sociales.\n\nNamaste

About this class
The classes are focused on Hatha Yoga which is the traditional yoga of India with philosophy postures Pranayamas or breathing exercises mudras etc... \n\nI also work with Nada yoga is the yoga of sound with the chanting of mantras and work with music. The union of both will allow us to more easily reach that state of well-being that deep Meditation provides.\n\nCome discover the wisdom of yoga and meditation with its mantras sounds pranayamas asanas Shatkarma philosophy etc. with Arnaud Hos (Ayurveda Naturopath and Yoga teacher trained in Madrid Belgium and India (200h Yoga Alliance). Classes in Spanish French and English\n\nLas clases están enfocadas al Hatha Yoga y Nada Yoga con sonidos es yoga tradicional de la India con filosofía posturas Pranayamas o ejercicios de respiración mudras etc... \n\nMi trabajo es un trabajo Integral con unión de cuerpo y mente. \n\nVen a conocerme. Yoga Alliance RYT 200h\nImparto clases en español francés y ingles. \n\nNamaste